Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just Venting....

 A little over a year ago my daughter totaled my car. She and my son, who was also in the car were both fine - not even a bruise. So I needed to find a new used car. I wasn't upset I try not to let 'things' get to me. I am more likely to get mad or react over the actions of people then everyday inconveniences. While I was looking for another car I saw an Eclipse Spyder convertible. I said wow look at this and a friend of mine said that that car was for someone young and single. Another words  not for me. I told him that age was but a number and I could be single faster then he realized. I owned the car in less then an hour. I absolutely love my car. I have always liked smaller cars. I would leave work in the summertime with the top down just enjoying the ride home. A few months after I got it a belt started squealing and it wasn't running so smooth. So I took this car that I have fallen in love with to 3 engine repair shops and 2 transmission shops. None of them found anything wrong. They didn't even find the squealing belt. They all said "Wait until it breaks down and then we will fix it. I wonder if I was treated this way because I was a woman? Well my car finally did break down. That squealing belt was one of 2 timing belts that this car has. It also operates the oil pump. So even though there was oil in the car it wasn't circulating. But now instead of a couple hundred dollars to fix my car it is going to cost about about $1500. I will get my car fixed but I am soooo mad at those shops because I feel if they would have looked a little deeper none of this would have happened

1 comment:

  1. You poor girl! Hope by now your little car is fixed and your back on the road. We all need to vent sometimes. Have a wonderful day...
