Sunday, July 31, 2011
Blog Candy at the Misfit Crafter
Ok so Monique is trying to get to 100 followers. She has now past that number but is still running this and giving away some super blog candy as prizes. So go on over there and join in on the fun!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
These are the first pictures of me that my mother took to send to my father who was is Korea at the time. I used this sketch from Sketch Inspirations at I have entered it into Sketches in Time Open Challenge at

My Little Artist
So I had a slight headache one day and decided to lay down for a little while. I just laid on my stomach across the bed sideways with my feet hanging off the side of the bed. I didn't mean to fall asleep but I did and I woke up to my 2 year old granddaughter 'tickling' me. I asked her why she was tickling Granny and she laughed like only a 2 year old can. When I sat up I saw that she had a sharpie with the lid off and that is what she was using to tickle me with!! Next was a nice hot bath with a scrubbie. I have entered this in the Sketchy Thursday 7.28 challenge at
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Just Venting....
A little over a year ago my daughter totaled my car. She and my son, who was also in the car were both fine - not even a bruise. So I needed to find a new used car. I wasn't upset I try not to let 'things' get to me. I am more likely to get mad or react over the actions of people then everyday inconveniences. While I was looking for another car I saw an Eclipse Spyder convertible. I said wow look at this and a friend of mine said that that car was for someone young and single. Another words not for me. I told him that age was but a number and I could be single faster then he realized. I owned the car in less then an hour. I absolutely love my car. I have always liked smaller cars. I would leave work in the summertime with the top down just enjoying the ride home. A few months after I got it a belt started squealing and it wasn't running so smooth. So I took this car that I have fallen in love with to 3 engine repair shops and 2 transmission shops. None of them found anything wrong. They didn't even find the squealing belt. They all said "Wait until it breaks down and then we will fix it. I wonder if I was treated this way because I was a woman? Well my car finally did break down. That squealing belt was one of 2 timing belts that this car has. It also operates the oil pump. So even though there was oil in the car it wasn't circulating. But now instead of a couple hundred dollars to fix my car it is going to cost about about $1500. I will get my car fixed but I am soooo mad at those shops because I feel if they would have looked a little deeper none of this would have happened
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