Monday, May 23, 2011

Link Up Love Party with K Andrew

The link up love party is a way to get to know each other and find new blogs and inspiration. What a wonderful way for us to get to know a little about each other. K Andrew has a wonderful blog that is full inspirational thoughts and crafty posts and lots of give a ways. I have spent a good chunk of my afternoon just reading her past posts. You can check it out here This is a recipe book that I made one for my brother and 2 sisters. My mother passed away in Dec 2009 and this is a collection of her hand written recipes. It was both a joyous and tearful project for me.

This collection has been deleted by its author
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Flaunt it Fridays Pooh Font Challenge

These are my twins - about 18 years ago!! Boy it seems like yesterday! All cuts and the font are from the Pooh Font cartridge. I made this for the Pooh Font challenge at Thanks for looking.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Card for the More Than One Fold Challenge at Prairie Fairy Fridays

This is a graduation card that I made for my niece. The flaps fold in overlapping each other with the tabs securing the fold. The letters that I used are a mirror like silver so they didn't photograph very well. I also rolled up the 'gift' like a diploma. I have used this fold for birthdays and other celebrations. I have entered it into the #53 challenge 'More Than One Fold'. Although I don't think it is up to the rest of the cards I have seen. OMG they are so gorgeous. I am just beginning and am in complete amazement at what all you crafters out there can do. But I am learning a little at a time and hopefully I will catch up to you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Made it myself Mondays

I made this card for my sisters dog. It is her birthday this month. It seems that in my family we remember the important times in our lives through our pets. They are after all very important to us!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bryanna at 4 months

This my granddaughter at 4 months. She dressed up as a witch and as you can see in the photo she loved the hat. All the cuts on here are from the Happy Hauntings cartridge.